IBTPL | Institut Biodiversiti Tropika dan Pembangunan Lestari

Universiti Malaysia Terengganu

Workshop on Scientific Writing and Publishing by Prof. Emeritus Dr. John W. Lewis

By: Muhammad Hafiz Bin Sulaiman

Workshop on scientific writing and publishing was organized by the Kenyir Research Institute (IPK) and Research Management Center (RMC). This program aims to provide additional input to the researchers how to prepare good quality manuscript to be sent to the article journal publisher. The program was carried out on 28 February 2016 (Sunday) from 10.30 am to 12.30 pm in Executive Seminar Room, Graduate School Building, UMT. Workshop slot began with a briefing by the Director of IPK, Prof. Emeritus. Dr. Faizah Sharoum.

The workshop continued with a presentation of the guest speaker, Prof. Emeritus. Dr. John W. Lewis. He is an Emeritus Professor of Zoology from Royal Holloway University of London and Editor-in-Chief Cambridge University Press (Journal of Helminthology). A total of 59 researchers including lecturers and postgrad students been involved in this program.


Prof. John W. Lewis giving his speech to the audience pertaining good manuscript preparation.
Prof. John W. Lewis giving his speech to the audience pertaining good manuscript preparation.


Para peserta mendengar dengan teliti penerangan yang diberikan oleh Prof. John W. Lewis.
Participants listen carefully to the explanation given by Prof. John W. Lewis.


Prof. John W. Lewis menerima cenderamata daripada Pengarah IPK, Prof. Faizah Mohd Sharoum.
Prof. John W. Lewis received the gift from the Director of IPK, Prof. Faizah Mohd Sharoum.
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