Getting To Know BIO-D TROPIKA
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) endeavours to strengthen its capability to engage in research that is multi-disciplinary and oriented towards social

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Institute of Tropical Biodiversity and Sustainable Development: Drivers of Future Research
Universiti Malaysia Terengganu (UMT) strives to facilitate multi-disciplinary research and social innovation. Accordingly, Institute of Tropical Biodiversity and Sustainable Development (BIO-D-TROPIKA) or formerly known as Kenyir Research Institute (IPK) was established at the end of 2013, led by Founding Director, Emeritus Professor Dr. Faizah Mohd Sharoum. At present, the Institute is headed by Assoc. Professor Dr. Amirrudin Ahmad and assisted by Professor Dr. Khatijah binti Omar as Deputy Director.
Kenyir Lake and Setiu Wetlands and its surrounding environment provide a wealth of research opportunities in fields such as biological diversity, aquatic resources, tourism and socio-economic development and cultural heritage. These topics form the backbone of BIO-D TROPIKA research and support its ambition to become one of the country’s premier research institutes.